Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I dont know exactly how long I've been without work. It has been sometime. My money is running out too. I look for work in the field I received my degree in but so are thousands of other people. Its tough waking up not knowing if/when you will work again. My degree happens to be in film as in moviemaking. I can go on a set and do all of the behind the scenes jobs that are there. Like directing, grip, producing etc. Granted there will need to be a bit of training to do the job to the standards of the person hiring me. What's annoying is searching for work and having to sign up for tons of different websites. Some are free and some are not. I use the free ones and a couple of the paid ones but it just pisses me off to have to give money I don't have to these sites. Now I am sure you are thinking that if I sign up for ten different paid sites that one will pay off. But that 10-30$ could get me my next meal or be part of rent. I guess it is one of those damned if you do damned it you don't situations. I am staying positive through this whole situation but I may have to move in with Moms if things don't pick up. Well I'll just have to wake up tomorrow and get back at it again. If nothing comes of this I may have to get a civilian job. Shudder. :/